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Pure joy in getting back on the road again!

Final­ly got back on my bike today for the first time in 2021, after sev­en months recov­er­ing from spinal surgery. The shit­ty weath­er and blow­ing cold Bal­larat wind couldn’t take away from my sheer joy in being back on the road, with the wind in my face, fight­ing back tears of relief.

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My first fishing outing for 2021

Today was a nice sun­ny day, only 14°C but it feels like 20-some­thing. I could take it no longer: I had to get out. I haven’t fished since ear­ly Decem­ber 2020 due to my back issues, so it was refresh­ing to get the spin­ning rod out and hit Lake Wendouree.

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Back on the bike and about to wet a line again!

The past fort­night has been a big change from a recov­ery per­spec­tive, some things have regressed a lit­tle and oth­er areas are rapid­ly improving.

The pain has regressed some­what. It was to be expect­ed as I low­ered my nar­cot­ic lev­els that the under­ly­ing pain would sur­face, but it has been hard to go back­wards in areas like sleep. On the oth­er hand, my trip to the phys­io­ther­a­pist cer­tain­ly paid div­i­dends and I have been able to help out more around the house, which with a trou­ble­some teenag­er reluc­tant to con­tribute, has been a good thing for our fam­i­ly dynamic.

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Coming home

I’ve been home for a full week now and though it’s been a big dis­rup­tion, it’s nice to be home where I can be comfortable.

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Recovery and rehabilitation

It’s been just over a week since my surgery, and I’ve dis­charged from St. Vincent’s in Fitzroy and am now clos­er to home at St. John of God in Bal­larat,…
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‘Staying in here’: What to do when a ‘rainy day’ turns into months

So I love the out­doors, this much is obvi­ous. Whether you’re read­ing my blog for the first time, or have been hang­ing around for a while, I think it’s safe to assume with a blog called Get­ting Out There that my hap­pi­ness in life involves being out­side. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in late Novem­ber 2020 I injured my spine, her­ni­at­ing my L5/S1 disc.

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