
This blog was orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed to record my out­door adven­tures — fish­ing, camp­ing, cycling/bike tour­ing — as well as things I make in my work­shop, nice pho­tos I’ve tak­en, inter­est­ing (and not-so-inter­est­ing) thoughts and mus­ings, etc.

In the years since launch­ing the blog I’ve also moved a lot of my oth­er con­tent from var­i­ous places:

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    Posts from the fundrais­ing microsite for my Bike It In A Dress ride

    As the site was decom­mis­sioned and no longer need­ed, in order to keep the good con­tent I moved it here.

  • Updates that I used to make to sites like Facebook

    My dis­il­lu­sion with Face­book and its ilk came to a head in August 2020 and I tried to opt out of the plat­form as much as pos­si­ble. I still main­tain an Insta­gram pro­file and my Face­book is still there to enable me to work, etc. but I rarely check my feed or oth­er­wise engage.

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    Posts from a ven­ture into micro.blog that nev­er quite took off

    I tried a ser­vice called micro.blog, which is pret­ty neat and I’d cer­tain­ly rec­om­mend it, but with my own domains and this blog, etc. all set up it did­n’t make much sense to be main­tain­ing lots of dif­fer­ent blogs all over the place.

  • Favourite images I’ve tak­en over the years

    I’ve tak­en some nice shots over the years and post­ed them all over the web, so this is a nice place to try and col­lect and cat­a­logue them.

If you’re looking for my professional information…

You’ll find my resumé and pro­fes­sion­al port­fo­lio at a sub­do­main of this site. Click the but­ton below to view this area of my life.